Welcome to the Air Sickness Bag Virtual Museum!

Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.

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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.

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Received From: Xusheng Chen
Print or Image Color: White, Red
Background / Bag Color: Red, White
I can't for the life of me guess why they named the airline t'way. According to Wikipedia, there are only 6 planes in their fleet.

TAA Trans Australia Airlines

Received From: Chris Bischoff
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: Brown
Excellent depiction of a kangaroo on a vector, hopping his way to the bathroom to throw up. Vomit Enthusiast Neill Murray says, "The TAA bag (Trans Australian Airlines) is actually from TAA (Trans Australia Airlines) – no ‘n’ in ‘Australia’. When TAA changed its name in 1985 to Australian Airlines the ‘n’ was added." Thanks Neill!

TAA Trans Australia Airlines

Received From: Andrew Angel
Print or Image Color: Navy
Background / Bag Color: Brown
Excellent depiction of a kangaroo on a vector, hopping his way to the bathroom to throw up.

Same as the other TAA bag except there's a blue bar on the back. Probably not worth calling a variation, but oh well

Vomit Enthusiast Neill Murray says, "The TAA bag (Trans Australian Airlines) is actually from TAA (Trans Australia Airlines) – no ‘n’ in ‘Australia’. When TAA changed its name in 1985 to Australian Airlines the ‘n’ was added." Thanks Neill!

TAAG Angola Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2001
Received From: Steve Jones
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Orange
Probably one of the coolest bags in all of Angola. The horns of the frowning ram curl all the way around its head, much like the fingernails of people who don't clip them for ten years at a time.

TAAG Angola Airlines

Approximate Vintage: 2005
Received From: Christian Annyas
Print or Image Color: Black
Background / Bag Color: Orange
Identical to earlier TAAG bag, except the visually non-contrasting white on orange scheme has been replaced by Halloween colors, black on orange.

Taban Air

Received From: Mehrad Abolghasemi
Print or Image Color: Navy, Orange
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag looks like a feminine hygiene bag more than a barf bag with all the flowers on it.


Approximate Vintage: 1989
Received From: Jack Rupard
Print or Image Color: White
Background / Bag Color: Blue
I finally have one of these -- it's a long story!

Take-A-Chance-Airlines. Very basic blue bag with Sabena-like oval around logo.

Anyway, first I purchased one of these in an eBay auction from Jack Rupard. Life was good. Then I received a 2nd one as part of Christoph Vogel's collection. When I listed this bag as a swappable item, two collectors battled for it. I agreed to send it to one collector, but the other collector claimed I had promised it to him (I had not, we were negotiating a several bag trade, but he assumed this one was a given). In order to preserve honor, I sent him the bag. So I had none. And then Jack Rupard came calling again asking for a stack of safety cards in exchange for all the bags he sent. So I was out the bag, plus many safety cards. Finally, I got the gift that keeps on taking from Matthias Koch, purchasing it over eBay for almost 30 Euros.


Approximate Vintage: 1997
Received From: Ed Sparks
Background / Bag Color: White
Central American Airline. Blue Logo and funky Red and Blue Parrots.


Received From: Richard David Glueck
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
Exactly like the other Taesa bag except this on has a slightly different font and doesn't sport the ubiquitous Propiedad De Taesa (Property of Taesa) admonition, which it felt was necessary in the subsequent model in case some other airline decided to steal their motherlode of bags.


Received From: David George
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This carrier, which mainly serves central Mexico, is confused. For the Spanish speaking, it's just a sick bag. For English speakers, it's for Air Sickness. For the French, it's for Sea Sickness. TAESA's logo is a horribly disfigured fuselage that most airlines (except USAir) would ground immediately for safety reasons. (BTW, what's a doted line?)


Received From: Matthias Koch
Print or Image Color: Blue and Red
Background / Bag Color: White
If you hold this bag up to the mirror (or just look right through the flimsy bag from the back) this Brazilian Airline's name looks eerily like JAT, a Yugoslavian airline. Apparently either this bag is only for 'Executivos'.


Received From: Federico Mandrile
Print or Image Color: Blue
Background / Bag Color: White
This bag uses a liner the size of those bags that newspapers used to be delivered in. It spills out all over the place. According to the bottom of the bag, it's "more than a bag" (Mas que una bolsa). I have no idea what else it might be though so maybe someone can help me out here

This Guatemalan bag also says "Nuestro mejor destino es satisfacerle", which I think means that their finest destination is merely satisfactory.

Tahiti Morrea Service

Received From: Tim Gibson
Print or Image Color: Green
Background / Bag Color: White
If for some reason you happen to need to get from Tahiti to Moorea, and during your ferry trip you get seasick, this is your bag! If the ship is as big as represented on the bag, you could just walk between the two islands.

Tajik Air

Approximate Vintage: 2016
Received From: Wolfgang Lüthje
Print or Image Color: Navy, Blue
Background / Bag Color: Whie
This bag says: TAJIK AIR

Waterproof sick bag. If used for air sickness please hand to cabincrew for disposal.


Approximate Vintage: 1991
Received From: Tony Richards
White plastic w/five multi-color airplanes. Happy children pilot four of the planes. However a very sick king is piloting the fifth. Very nice bag.

According to royalty expert Chris Ed Rock ,"The sick king piloting a merry-go-round plane is Otto Soglow's The Little King. The Little King was a famous character in US cartoons for decades, appearing in his own newspaper strip, in numerous gag panels (including in The New Yorker) and as magazine ad spokesperson for Royal Pudding. A food product, see? Another footnote is that although The Little King was a spokesperson, he never spoke in any appearance, anywhere, although other characters with whom he would interact would speak as required.

I am continually amazed by the breadth and knowledge my uber-cultured visitors possess.


Approximate Vintage: 1998
Received From: Denir Camargo
This plastic bag has a fat tire track on its left side. In fact, if you look at one of the original Frogger Arcade machines, you see the same tire track going down the left side of it. Could this bag's designer have worked for Sega?

This bag is different from the 2001 bag because it doesn't yet have Spanish on it. A fine Jaya product.


Approximate Vintage: 2001
Received From: Britta Bebensee
This plastic bag has a fat tire track on its left side. In fact, if you look at one of the original Frogger Arcade machines, you see the same tire track going down the left side of it. Could this bag's designer have worked for Sega?


Received From: Marc Baldewijns
Print or Image Color: Red, Blue
Background / Bag Color: White, Blue
Another excellent TAM bag, this one sporting pictograms lined up as if part of a bowling alley, where the 2 and 3 pins have been knocked down.

Tam Mercosur

Received From: Britta Bebensee
Print or Image Color: Red, Silver
Background / Bag Color: White
This plastic bag is rather shiny and generic. Has Portuguese, English, and Spanish, plus a very slight windfoil direction field that covers the silver portion. Can't really tell it's from TAM at all.

Tam Mercosur

Received From: Thorsten Hecht
Print or Image Color: Red, White
Background / Bag Color: White, Red
Yet another excellent TAM bag, this has the Frogger-like tire track on the left, but it also mentions Mercosur, which is a Regional Trade Agreement between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, and Paraguay.