Museum currently exhibits 3161 unique bags.
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OK, Bag Monster is a moronic name, but Monster has become a catch-all phrase for "Hey, this will help you do something" This section will help you find the bags you're looking for (like you're really looking for them). Leaving everything blank will retrieve a list of all bags, however that may cause the page to load slowly.
Take-A-Chance-Airlines. Very basic blue bag with Sabena-like oval around logo.
Anyway, first I purchased one of these in an eBay auction from Jack Rupard. Life was good. Then I received a 2nd one as part of Christoph Vogel's collection. When I listed this bag as a swappable item, two collectors battled for it. I agreed to send it to one collector, but the other collector claimed I had promised it to him (I had not, we were negotiating a several bag trade, but he assumed this one was a given). In order to preserve honor, I sent him the bag. So I had none. And then Jack Rupard came calling again asking for a stack of safety cards in exchange for all the bags he sent. So I was out the bag, plus many safety cards. Finally, I got the gift that keeps on taking from Matthias Koch, purchasing it over eBay for almost 30 Euros.
This Guatemalan bag also says "Nuestro mejor destino es satisfacerle", which I think means that their finest destination is merely satisfactory.
Waterproof sick bag. If used for air sickness please hand to cabincrew for disposal.
According to royalty expert Chris Ed Rock ,"The sick king piloting a merry-go-round plane is Otto Soglow's The Little King. The Little King was a famous character in US cartoons for decades, appearing in his own newspaper strip, in numerous gag panels (including in The New Yorker) and as magazine ad spokesperson for Royal Pudding. A food product, see? Another footnote is that although The Little King was a spokesperson, he never spoke in any appearance, anywhere, although other characters with whom he would interact would speak as required.
I am continually amazed by the breadth and knowledge my uber-cultured visitors possess.
This bag is different from the 2001 bag because it doesn't yet have Spanish on it. A fine Jaya product.